
 The Growing Section features growlogs and photo galleries with hints and tips on germination and growing ethnobotanically interesting plants.

Under construction.

AKUAMMA (Picralima nitida)

Tipps zur Keimung und Anzucht von Akuamma.

COPAL (Bursera bipinnata)

How to best germinate bursera seeds.

IBOGA (Tabernanthe iboga)

Hinweise zur Aufzucht und Pflege von Iboga.

JUREMA (Mimosa hostilis)

Germination of Mimosa hostilis seeds by Hot Water Technique.

KRATOM (Mitragyna speciosa)

Photo gallery documenting the growth into a Kratom Bonsai.

MAMAKI (Pipturus albidus)

Growlog for growing a small mamaki plant.

MULUNGU (Erythrina verna)

Growlog with pictures and instructions on how to grow a Mulungu tree.

PERUVIAN BASIL (Ocimum micranthum)

Tipps um peruanisches Basilikum heranzuziehen.


Different ways to make leaf cuttings of Psychotria viridis, Psychotria colorata or Psychotria alba.

WEIHRAUCHBAUM (Boswellia sacra)

Bilder, Hinweise und Tipps zur Keimung von Boswellia sacra.


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Palo Santo Keimung und Anzucht

Iboga Anzucht

Enzyklopädie der psychoaktiven Pflanzen Bd. 2