Welcome to de sacris plantae!
This blog is about plants and their use both in herbal medicine and customs as well as their use as spirit-moving plants around the globe.
Special attention will be given to the connection between culture and plants, often referred to as "sacred" by indigenous groups.
The blog is intended to provide information and knowledge about the cultivation, effects, culture, use, etc. of psychoactive plants and should in no way be seen as an invitation to inappropriate use of plants that are little known or little researched in our society.
This site is constantly growing, for better navigation, the contributions are divided into different areas:
In the "Herbarium" section there are plant portraits that contain not only general information about the respective plant, but also information about the use in the respective cultural context, pharmacology, other uses, etc.
The "Growing" section includes contributions dealing with germination, cultivation and growing of ethnobotanically interesting plants.
The "Media" section will collect contributions with information on documentaries, finds from the Internet, books, etc.
A small section will be the "Experience" section, where posts on experiences with healing plants may appear.
This blog is a personal project, there is no claim to correctness or completeness, but one is nevertheless endeavored to research comprehensively and to make the results accessible as possible.
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